
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bruce Kover - Caxton Fund

Bruce Kover worked his title as the left-winger of the extraordinare investor, George Soros. However, Kover did not like the business interviews very much.

Kovner graduated his BA in political science and economics from Harvard in 1966, also taught political science at Harvard and University of Pennsylvania. Somehow, he dropped out of the Kennedy School before he completed his Ph.D.

And that the starting point for his financier’s career in trading the commodities, at the office of Michael Marcus and also co-worked with Jack Schwager at Commodities Corp.

Kovner set up his own hedge fund, Caxton, in 1983. Some reports said Caxton had returned 28% annually and he made some US$500 million for his own fortune in the year 2001. He made his fundamental decisions for currency and futures trading on the judgments based on his team’s analysis of the impact of the worldwide political and economic events.

While in a bear market, his investment tactics will depend on sharp countertrend rallies to sell, this is for the purpose of placing [your] stops at a point that will reasonably indicate the trade is wrong, not at a point determined primarily by the maximum dollar amount you are willing to lose. Staying rational and disciplined under pressure is the key for his success in this hedge fund business.

1 comment:

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